Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Play Girls' Makeover Games

Most little girls love dressing up, putting on makeup, jewelery and high-heeled shoes. You can turn this fascination into a fun game that your child can play with her friends for birthday and slumber parties, or any other such event where little girls are present. The rules for makeover games aren't set in stone; there are plenty of options for play whether you have a group of five girls or a group of 20. The objective of this girls' makeover game is to determine which girl undergoes the biggest transformation.
                        Split the girls up into groups of 2. Fill several cardboard box with dress up games such as: clothing, shoes, makeup, wigs and jewelry.
                        Give each group a box of clothing, shoes, makeup and other dress up supplies. Allow the girls to trade items if desired.
                        Set a timer for 10 minutes. Have the first girl in each group pick out an outfit for the second and then do the girl's hair and makeup. Let them know they can be as silly or crazy as they want. The objective is to achieve the biggest transformation. Once the 10 minutes are up, have each pair switch so that the second girl is now styling the first girl's new look.
                        Give each pair of girls a disposable camera and allow them to photograph the other in their new styles. Encourage creativity. Hand out a few fashion magazines to inspire the girls' photos.If possible, take the photos outside in order to take advantage of the best lighting conditions for disposable cameras. If the weather doesn't cooperate, or it's night time, take photos in the brightest room in the house.
                        Take the girls to a one-hour photo developer to have the photos developed, but don't let them see the pictures until they're back home. Have each pair select three to five "favorites" of their own photos and display them. They can line them all up on the floor; pin them to a corkboard or tape them to the fridge and gather the girls around. Take a vote for "biggest transformation." Make sure the girls know they can't vote for themselves or their partner.
                        Give a door prize to the girl who gets the most votes for biggest transformation. Make sure you have a participant prize for all the other girls so no one feels left out. Send the photos home with the girls when the party's over. The girls and their parents will probably get a kick out of the photos for years to come.

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