by Byron Jonas
Farming and transportation have greatly relied on horses for hundred of years. Stories have always circulated about glue factories needing these older, retired animals to make their product. Different roles of horses in society have occurred as needs and technology have changed in various fields such as commercial, sports, and relaxing activities.
In the times of early settlers, strong ponies were needed for farm chores, carrying or hauling heavy items, clearing fields, and herding livestock. They provided needed transport for individuals and those riding in an attached buggy. They are still heavily relied upon by the Amish people for their daily needs.
These animals are featured in a variety of sporting events for public enjoyment. Brightly decorated steeds show their lightening speed in races. Rodeos, circuses, and other shows display their ability to barrel race, run quickly in roping contests, and jump obstacles. Equines joining in polo games and fox hunts play an important part in these outdoor recreations.
Public celebrations such as parades and festivals display beautifully decorated and impressive ponies for the delight of all ages worldwide. Branches of the military and local law enforcement agencies rely on their superior power and perseverance for transportation and various other duties.
Children and adults suffering from mental retardation, multiple sclerosis, muscle disease, or other similar disorders are introduced to an exciting environment through corresponding with these animals on a routine basis. Extremely quiet and uncommunicative boys, girls, men, and women gradually learn how to express themselves as they communicate to their four-legged friend. This therapy teaches social skills, responsibility, and trust. Other benefits include improved balance, coordination, and confidence while being free of their disorder for a short time.
Human beings have delighted in serene rides in the country for countless years. Equines are boarded on or off site but always within easy access. More people are realizing the positive result of possessing them as a pet. Older animals are also being put out to pasture in homes with residents who desire to save abandoned or neglected creatures.
Different roles of horses in society have occurred as the world and technology has changed. Large equipment is now used for heavy lifting and any farming performed. These animals are still used as a mode of transportation and in many sporting events. However, their gentle nature has made them a great asset to those who are challenged daily in various ways or who are looking for a companion other than the standard dog or cat.
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Title: An Ever-Changing World Results In Different Roles Of Horses In Society
Author: Byron Jonas
Keywords: horse racing,technology,society,reference and education,education,international,hobbies,gambling,sport,recreation,recreation and sports,leisure,news and society,computers and technology
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