Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5 ways to keep your children active

by Jerry Berger

With ever increasing rates of obesity among young people in the UK it has become more important than ever to make sure that your children are kept active. These are five ways you can do just that:

Make sure your child's school has an effective PE timetable and make sure your child attends classes. Make sure there's no chance of your child 'forgetting' their kit and don't excuse them from class with sick notes unless there is a genuine reason they should not take part.

Being active at school doesn't have to end at home-time. Plenty of schools run events outside of classroom hours that are free or kept as cheap as possible. If your child is reluctant to sign up, suggest they ask friends if they want to sign up as well and talk about how much fun they will have rather than how keeping active and doing exercise is good for you.

Keeping active doesn't necessarily mean participating in an hour of tennis or football - it might simply be having a quick kick about in the garden or taking the dog for a walk. Find simple ways to keep your child on the move rather than on the couch every day is just as important as more organised opportunities for exercise.

Get your child swimming. Swimming is a great way to keep active at any age - if your child hasn't learnt to swim yet rest assured lessons are very cheap. Swimming works the different muscle groups and helps burn fat, without putting any pressure on joints because the water supports your weight.

Dive in to your local swimming pool. A swimming costume and towel are the only necessities when it comes to swimming making it an accessible way for every child to keep active. Lessons are very cheap and being able to swim is vital if your child wants to take up other activities such as rowing or surfing at some point in the future.

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Title: 5 ways to keep your children active
Author: Jerry Berger
Keywords: exercidse, fitness, health
Word Count: 329
Category: Hobbies

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