Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guidelines for WOW Powerleveling and Gold

by Elliott Fischbach

No doubt that WOW power leveling is an extremely important thing for the players in World of Warcraft. Here are some warning tips about it for you to learn.

The farmlands are often the center of quests involving theft, revenge, or destruction. Stay a while every time you find a farm, and kill the enemies there to earn experience points and gold.

The second step players should do is to assemble a group. There should be a healer, a tank and 3 fighters in the group. If you can, all fighters should be able to put out around 1, 800+ DPS. The DPS can be measured with any number of mods like Recount. With a high DPS group, you are more likely to finish this instance in the limited time successfully. In this instance, players have to kill a certain boss before the timer expires to get the Drake.

After you get the loot in the killing or farming, you can sell the loot in the auction house. Players usually sell items in the auction house and buy items there to keep their characters well-geared and kicking butt. Selling items, especially those you make together with your professions, can earn you a huge number of safe WOW gold. They need to keep their skills leveled up to ensure that they can use the proper and great gear. Thus, they are able to use some occasional splurge on fun stuff like pets, weapons and profession leveling.

Then, Haul it through the Gauntlet. This means you should run through a burning street filled with undead after you kill Chrono Master Epoch. This needs chain-pulling elite mobs fast so that they don't attack Arthas. He is not elite and will get eaten alive by elite enemies. Thus, stop if you can. Next, run left. Avoid talking to Arthas and starting the final event. You should follow the street around to the left, and then find a Bronze Dragon interrogated by an Infinite Dragon, which is the boss you are right after. Finally, kill it and get a free epic flying mount, and then, go back to get mounts for your friends and talk to Arthas to go to the final fight with Mal'Ganis. Destroy Mal'Ganis and loot his chest to finish the instance.

Do NOT pay more real money for the same <a href="">Wow Gold</a>!

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Title: Guidelines for WOW Powerleveling and Gold
Author: Elliott Fischbach
Keywords: Buying Cheap WOW Gold,Buying WOW Gold Cheap,Buying Cheap Gold In WOW,Buying Cheap Gold For WOW,Buying Gold Cheap In WOW,Buying Gold Cheap For WOW,buy Gold in WOW,buy WOW gold,buy World of Warcraft gold,buy gold for WOW,WOW gold,gold in World of Warcraft,World of Warcraft gold,MMORPG,game
Word Count: 377
Category: Games

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