Friday, January 4, 2013

All About Hookah And Hookah Flavors

by John McCree

Are you searching for a good hookah flavor? This post reveals many good resources for you in determining and purchasing your ideal shisha flavor.

Hookahs are used to smoke flavorful tobacco, normally referred to as "shisha". Following are the ingredients, which are used in shisha nowadays:

1. Tobacco

2. Treacle (uncrystallized syrup produced in refining sugar)

3. Honey

4. Sugar

5. Molasses

6. Glycerin

7. Nicotine

8. Dried Fruit

9. Distilled Water

The manufacturers of shisha have been experimenting a great deal lately and they have produced some truly creative flavors like Fantasia's "Cuban Mojito". Having said that, fruit flavors still are the most used flavors among hookah smokers. The manufactures have also released a number of other flavors which are offshoots of fruity flavors. This includes flavors like banana split and blueberry muffin.

Because of the improved production procedures, it has become quite simple to add flavors to shisha and thus a wide range of flavors is available out there. Unique flavors are produced because basically every ingredient can be mixed in dried, tobacco, glycerin and sweetener.

Social Smoking

Hookah is normally shared in a social setting where the smokers may gather for pleasant conversation and to enjoy the fragrance generated by the flavored shisha smoke. As hookahs grew in popularity throughout the Middle East centuries ago, it became typical to find them in drinking and eating establishments. One can easily find hookahs in night clubs, smoking parlors, hookah bars as well as homes nowadays.

Most of the increasing popularity of shisha can be ascribed to the flavor and calming effect of the smoke. As a comparison to cigarettes, hookah smoking is done more as a social pursuit and for the flavor, instead of for any kind of biological impact. On the contrary cigarette to begin with, has a really bad smell and smokers usually smoke cigarette because of addiction. A cigarette certainly lasts no more than 5 minutes and a shisha lasts for more than an hour, but the latter is not addictive.

Getting the Most Flavor from Your Hookah

If you want to enhance your hookah experience, then you simply have to adhere to a few basic acts of sound judgment. If you are a hookah owner then you should make it a habit of cleaning your hookah regularly Wash your hookah with warm soapy water after every use, or at the very least wash it meticulously in between alternating brands or flavors.

In order to have a smooth smoking session then you should prevent the charcoal from burning up the tobacco in the middle of the session. Arrange the bowl so as to prevent the tobacco from getting stuck to the foil or screen; better yet, try not to allow the tobacco to touch the foil at all. When you are packing the bowl, ensure that the tobacco is at least a few millimeters below the rim of the bowl. Then, when you wrap the foil taught around the head, you'll naturally have the ideal amount of space required to prevent the dreaded burn. One more tactic that you can use to maintain distance between foil and the tobacco is to place two toothpicks in cross on the tobacco. Additionally, when "packing" the bowl, don't pack the tobacco down tightly. Rather, loosely pile it into a nice mound allowing the air to go through the mound. This will also stop the tobacco from burning as easily, and it will need less suction on the hose to get a nice, full flavorful hit. To avoid overheating some people use two sheets of foil. Don't burn the shisha and you'll be able to enjoy a smooth and long session of smoking.

There was a time when only one tobacco flavor was available for hookah. However, today the market offers a very wide range of flavors. If you are a hookah lover then you must <a href="">try all shisha flavors</a> available.

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Title: All About Hookah And Hookah Flavors
Author: John McCree
Keywords: hookah, shisha, hookah flavor, leisure, culture, hobbies
Word Count: 603
Category: Hobbies

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