by Agus Rahman
The first thing I like to do is to get as little sleep as possible the night before I fly, this way by the time I get to the plane I can hopefully just go to sleep and wake up at my destination. I just recommend this if you are able to perform any tasks you need to do before your flight. If you have to drive for 5 hrs initial you might want to get a good night sleep,
and maybe carry some Tylenol pm or something else to make you drowsy. Many people like to get a little drunk on a flight, I am not one of them, however , if it helps you relax and get certain sleep after that I say go for it, only dont permit yourself to drink to the point where you become an obnoxious drunk on a plane.
My next tip is to get to the airport 3 hours in advance, this is for 2 reasons. By providing there for that reason early I am always one of if not the first to actually check in for my flight, which usually gets me a good seat, and I dont have to wait in long lines. The other reason for always providing t the Air port at least 3 hrs before your flight is, if you check in early you cant get bumped from the plane, the people who get there last minute sometime here the words overbooked.
Things to pack in your escort on:
When ever possible I endeavor to avoid putting things below the plane, though sometimes it is unavoidable, depending on how long I am going away for. What you carry with you on the plane might make a massive difference between with a pleasant flight and being accordingly unbelievable bored that you go mad.
I always make certain to bring a fully charged MP3 player, my MP3 player hold 20 gigs of music so I never have to go into my bag to probability a CD or a memory card, and I have way more music to listen to then time to listen to it. This way I have the music for any mood I can be in, accordingly I only load it up and listen as I fall asleep on the plane.
Only incase I cant sleep I will also make certain to bring a book with me, if for whatever factor I might not fall asleep which does unfold to me, I like to take my mind off things by bringing lost in a good story, however , something light and entertaining, I have always uncovered a good Step book or even Science Fiction to be good for that.
I too recommend getting a thick soft sweater with you on the plane, this might be used if it's cold on the plane, or you might use it as an extra pillow.
I like to play video games, therefore I travel with one of the new hand held video games everywhere I go, accordingly if I am not in the mood for reading I might play some games and keep myself occupied, and that really is the key. Keep yourself busy on the plane and you will be amazed at how fast the flight goes, if you stare at the clock and focus on the planes progress it will feel like forever.
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Title: How to Prepare for a Long Flight
Author: Agus Rahman
Keywords: fashion,clothing,moslem clothing,women's wear,women,islamic fashion,hijab
Word Count: 557
Category: Hobbies
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