Saturday, October 29, 2011

Designing A Reachable Fat Reduction Plan

by Bernanke Andros Xavier

There are millions of individuals, who have a personal reason for wanting to lose weight, and have a desirable goal. Being overweight is the beginning of a lot of health problems, so the sooner you decide that losing weight for better health is a good idea, the better. Having the right weight loss goal must be in place, but to accomplish this goal, it must not have a flaw. One reason so many plans for losing weight fail, is because the right footing hasn't been used. Setting weight loss goals can be done in a realistic way by using the following three tips

Set goals short-term: Measuring progress is important to hit your short-term goals in order to keep you motivated. Until the completion of the program, this process can be repeated over and over while you are losing weight. In this way, you can keep your eyes on the realizable goals instead of becoming frustrated with your apparent lack of progress. When you look at a diet and exercise program that only lasts a week, think about how possible that is to do, and then just do it another week. Restating everything as by the week should make it much easier, because 30 days sounds like a long time to be doing something. It is a much simpler way, when you only need to think about seven days at a time. When you say exercising every day, it sounds like more effort than saying take a 15 minute walk after dinner.

Lose weight based on a healthy goal: Set a healthy goal for weight loss and plan to lose the weight slowly. Let's break it down this way. Healthy goal in this case means the way weight is lost as well as the number of pounds lost. The best way is still the normal diet and exercise combination with few or no weight loss supplements included. As you plan for your weight loss, be sure to include into your daily routine the appropriate diet and exercise plan that will help you achieve your goals. Your body has to adjust to all the changes demanded of it and it will respond better if you try to lose weight slowly. To be in the safe zone when you start out, health experts suggest aiming for loss of 5-10% of your weight . One example of this would be to try to lose 7.5-15 pounds in the beginning if your starting weight is 150 pounds. Then you can aim for the healthy 2 pounds a week weight loss. When all is said and done, the healthiest way to lose weight is to stay on track and continue to lose it slowly until the weight loss goal in pounds is reached. Taking it slow and steady will help you stay on the right path. Find a weight loss friend: Losing weight with someone you know can be very helpful. Knowing that there is someone you can talk to and feel that they can understand can be very beneficial to your progress. It is nice to be able to work out with someone and talk about your goals, when they are going through the same process. Being able to communicate with a person that is experiencing the same trials and tribulations can give you the support you need to continue on to a victorious outcome is very helpful. Some people may like the competititive aspect of making sure you lose as much, or even a little more, than your weight-loss buddy each week. Your weight loss pal could be anyone you choose, especially nice if it is someone who can relate to what you are experiencing. Of course you will want to hang out with the kind of friends that will aid your efforts.

No postponing: Get the job done; there is no time like the present. Immediately after you formulate your plan, take action. You might decide to take a quick 15 minute walk after dinner every night. You may choose to do a couple of sit ups while watching television. Choose your foods with your goal in mind. Throw out food stuff that will lure you away from your intentions. Anytime you can expend a little energy in your day, you are that much closer to achieving a rewarding finish. Dish up miniature servings of your low cal foods to prevent enticement. Even the seemingly trivial matters have value when looking at the whole scheme of things.

When you stay positive, you can achieve safe, effective and healthy weight loss. Work out a way you can stay committed to the goals for your own happiness and you'll find it easier to stay on the right track for the specific goals set beforehand.

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Title: Designing A Reachable Fat Reduction Plan
Author: Bernanke Andros Xavier
Keywords: obesity,weight loss,fat loss,exercise,fitness,advice,women's issues,well being,wellness,recreation,hobbies,sports,health
Word Count: 843
Category: Hobbies

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