Saturday, October 29, 2011

All About Bathing A Newborn Baby

by Yolanda Reyes

Bathing newborns can be terrifying for new moms. It's just that newborn babies are so fragile, and when they get wet and slippery, it's a little scary. You'll get used to it, though. You only have to bathe the newborn baby two to three times a week since more than that would dry his skin.

You should make sure not to put your baby in a bathtub if the umbilical cord hasn't fallen off yet. If your baby has been circumcised, you'll also have to wait until this has healed, too. Just give sponge baths until your baby is better.

When it's time to put baby in the tabletop tub, give her your undivided attention. Leaving the baby for just a few seconds can harm him. You should turn the answering machine on and ignore the doorbell if it rings. Running the water with the baby in the tub is a no-no. The tub should be filled and the temperature checked before you put the baby in.

Bathing is not an enjoyable activity for some babies, so be prepared. Your baby might cry a lot, so keep the bath as short as possible. In addition, bath water gets cold to babies quickly, so short baths really are the best. You can keep the water warm by soaking a towel in very warm water and placing it at the bottom of the tub. This keeps the water warmer, provides a nice cushion for baby, and keeps her from slipping around. Support your baby's neck so he won't slide into the bathwater. Speak to her in soft soothing tones, reassuring her that everything is ok.

Bathwater should be lukewarm, and use baby soaps and shampoos. It's even better if you use only water for bathing your baby during the first few weeks since you don't know if he has any skin allergies or not. Keep the towel and diaper close by so you can wrap the baby after his bath to keep him from getting cold.

Your baby will learn to love bath time when he grows a little older. Find out more by reading my article in "Mommy to Mommy - The Truth about Taking Care of Baby".

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Title: All About Bathing A Newborn Baby
Author: Yolanda Reyes
Keywords: Baby Baths,Toddlers,Parenting,Home and Family,Home,Family,Parenting and Toddlers,Parenting and Children,Children,Infants and Toddlers,Infants,Babies,Family Planning
Word Count: 367
Category: Babies

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