Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Part Of Keeping An Attractive Garden Is Managing Pests

by Vanessa Summer

The nastiest thing there is related to having a garden is walking out to check on your plants and discovering holes in all the plants that looked fine the last time you saw them. The damage has generally been attributable to pests. Birds, slugs, and worms are a few of the garden pests that are the worst, as well as snails, caterpillars and even gophers.

You won't be in a position to get rid of all of them, but you need to do something, because you don't want your hard work completely wasted. An issue is that insects tend to be only found by looking for them in rotting vegetation or underneath the surface of the soil. Your first line of attack must be to do away with their hiding places whenever possible. Get rid of the weeds, the old foliage, and any decaying matter that the insects want to live in. On a regular basis, you must be turning the soil over, and breaking up the clumps. This can eliminate the places where insects might be hiding underground.

Pests that devour your plants and diseases that disfigure and eliminate them should also be suppressed with dormant spray. You implement the spray as soon as the plants are dormant, near February/March. The dormant spray will not be effective until the instructions are carefully followed. You could possibly see your whole garden die on account of careless use of the spray. A number of insects are good for your garden, and you shouldn't get rid of them. There is another class of garden pest, that lives not on the ground but located in the sky - birds. Because they're so mobile it's very hard to chase them away, so it's better to try to distract them from your plants by means of a bird feeder. Let the birds eat on what you have inside your feeder instead of what's in your garden. It will help you save money in over time, and become part of your yard decoration.

Even though having a dog could be helpful, it certainly is not going to fix the situation entirely. For some garden owners their particular garden pest would be the gopher. When you have failing plants and see small heaps of pushed-up soil then you will know they're around. Gophers may be little creatures, but their nuisance-ability is huge. A lot of these small-tailed fellows can be white, but usually brown or black, and vary in length from 5 to 14 inches. It is possible to get them utilizing traps. You ought to get good results by properly positioning the traps in their tunnels. You can also try setting off a smoke bomb inside the entrance to a tunnel, which could force a gopher to the surface or suffocate it.

To keep your backyard in good shape, you will need to get rid of all of your pests as soon as possible. When they are granted time to establish themselves they become very difficult to eradicate. A backyard garden adds to a house when you keep it up, and keep it in top shape.

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Vanessa Summer is a freelance writer and has written many articles in online magazines and websites. She is one of the contributors for this website: <a href="">Best Eye Cream</a>

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Title: A Part Of Keeping An Attractive Garden Is Managing Pests
Author: Vanessa Summer
Keywords: gardening,landscaping,home,house,home improvement,home and family,family,hobbies,health,nutrition,wellness,fitness,food,diet,weight loss
Word Count: 571
Category: Hobbies

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