Saturday, August 4, 2012

Digital Photo Guide - Digital Photo Guide - How To Take Great Wildlife Shots

by Dan Feildman

There is no doubt that taking photographs of wildlife is a terrific challenge. You better be well prepared before you head out to take pictures of animals and birds. It's not as easy as it might look, no matter what anyone tells you. If you have your own animals, or if your friends have animals, there is no better way to practice what you will need to do when the 'real' thing comes along than with their dogs or cats or birds. Being able to study these domestic animals up close will give you somewhat of an idea of what you can expect when you venture out past the backyard. Keep in mind that animals make sudden moves - it can be very difficult to anticipate what they will do next. For that reason, your camera and the framing need to be at the ready faster than you can blink an eye. The more you know [about wildlife] and the faster you are, the better pictures you will take. Here are some tips for photographing both animals and birds in the wild:

Practice is also a key to capturing the best wildlife photographs. Practicing to pan the camera on moving targets will go a long way toward getting the best pictures possible.

Be prepared and ready for anything. Animals and birds can and will act unexpectedly. Before you begin shooting, make sure your camera is fully charged and has all the memory necessary. If your camera takes batteries, if and when it runs out of power, make sure to bring those along as well.

Before arriving at your intended destination, become familiar with what kinds of animals and/or birds you can expect to find there. By doing this, you can then take the time prior to going there to learn all you can about that particular wildlife. Having this knowledge will help you in anticipating both where to look for your intended targets as well as what type of behavior you can expect from them.

Once you have reached your destination, make sure to walk and move quietly as you search for animals and birds to photograph. By learning to be immobile, you will ensure that your presence doesn't startle or threaten the wildlife around you.

Learn to be observant of everything around you using all your senses. With a little practice, you will gain the ability to be aware of small movements, unusual colors or sounds, even smells that can tip you off to the presence of an animal or bird even when they are well camouflaged. I cannot believe how many times I've watched people walk right by wildlife without noticing them. Hiking with an awareness of your surroundings enhances your experience immeasurably.

If you truly want to capture the very best photographs of wildlife, you can't go wrong with a telephoto lens. Given both animals and birds are easily spooked, a telephoto lens will give you the ability to be up close and personal without scaring off what you are trying to photograph. There are camera's on the market with built-in vibration reduced technology thereby eliminating the need for both a tripod and telephoto lens, but they are relatively expensive. For that matter, the use of a tripod will likely only get in your way as you race to capture moments that can take place very quickly.

When you photograph animals and birds, make sure the focus is sharpest on their eyes.

Shoot small animals from a lower angle.

The best times of the day for both viewing and photographing wildlife are early mornings or just before dark; it is at this time where the light is the most dramatic and animals are most active.

Try to keep the sun at your back so that the light falls directly on your subject.

All of the above tips will go a long way to improving your photography of nature. The key to it all is practise, practise and more practice. And, beyond anything else, enjoy yourself!

FREE PDF: Reveals Professional, "Insider" Tips And Tricks For Taking Amazing Digital Photos With Your Digital Camera... (Even If You're A Complete Beginner To Photography!) <a href=""> Click here to access "How To Take Photos Like The Pros"</a> We coach digital photography and suggest you get started with the free report, and then <a href="">Watch this Youtube video channel "Free Digital Photo Tips"</a>

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Title: Digital Photo Guide - Digital Photo Guide - How To Take Great Wildlife Shots
Author: Dan Feildman
Keywords: art,photography,entertainment,hobbies,digital cameras,education
Word Count: 669
Category: Hobbies

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