Saturday, August 4, 2012

Advantages of the Baby Trend Skylar Double Jogging Push chair

by Daniel Turbin

If you are in the market for "a double," one thing you have no doubt spotted is they can be costly! Trying to find one that doesn't stint on quality can be a moderately daunting task, and how can you know, actually? Barring sitting at your computer and sieving through pages of reviews, or spending a day or two running all over town so that you can put your hands on each and every model you are curious on the point of getting a first hand look, what's a harried parent to do?

Let me make it simple for you. If you are looking at baby jogger double strollers and can't decide, then give the baby trend side by side double jogging push chair your attention. Attractively priced in the "double" market, it is however well made and sturdy. Built to take day-to-day use and capable of navigating across a variety of surfaces ( blacktop, path, grassso that trip you have been needing to take to the park is unquestionably not out of the questionand the wheels are even wide enough to hit the beach, provided you don't try to run any races!

One thing people often stress about when picking from among the cheaper models though, is that they are going to be stinting on quality, and here, I am not just talking about decent, durable construction, but those extras and creature comforts. No problems. With the Baby Trend Skylar, you will find changeable seats, space for storage, and cup holders ( taking the shape of mesh pockets here ). The seats are independently adaptable, so one child can sit up while the other one is sleeping.

Note that the Skylar double jogging stroller is a "side by side" double, and not a "one behind the other," like the vast majority of baby jogger double strollers appear to be, so you may have some difficulty navigating thru narrow doorways with it. Not a massive drawback, but it is something to consider.

The sole other real disadvantages to this model are that it lacks a strap to help to keep it closed when it's crumpled, and it does not include a snack tray for the tiny ones, but neither of those are exactly mandatory, and for the price, you really can't beat this model!

Want to learn more about <a href="">double stroller reviews</a>?

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Title: Advantages of the Baby Trend Skylar Double Jogging Push chair
Author: Daniel Turbin
Keywords: womens issues,home and family,children,babies
Word Count: 381
Category: Babies

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