Thursday, September 27, 2012

Take Your Photography To New Heights Today

by Augustus Mays

Photography is an easy and rewarding hobby that can be easily picked up by amateurs and professionals, alike. All you need is a camera, film, and a little bit of knowledge about how to take a good picture. There are other elements that can make a picture better and that's where this article comes in.

Careful focusing is extremely important when trying to capture the perfect picture, especially when working with SLR cameras that allow you to adjust the aperture and customize the depth of field. Paying close attention to exactly what is and what is not in focus can mean the difference between a great picture and a disappointment.

Try moving in closer to your subject when you're taking pictures. If you take pictures from different distances, you'll be able to get a few different perspectives and some may come out better than others. Try to get where the subject of your photo fills the entire viewfinder of your camera - this will give you a lot more details of the subject rather than just filler details.

Shoot during the "golden hours," especially if you are shooting human subjects. The time around dawn and dusk are named "golden hours" because the hue of the light makes objects look like they are glowing. This light also complements human skin, making human subjects appear to look better than they would in photos taken at other times of day.

When photographing portraits, isolate your subject. Use a medium telephoto lens or the medium telephoto setting on your zoom. That, combined with a large aperture (try f/4 or larger), blurs the foreground and background. Focus on the eyes. Use diffused lighting for a flattering look. If outdoors, wait for an overcast sky or shoot with the subject in the shadows and the sun at your back.

Take the time to listen to what others think about your pictures. Taking both the positive and the negative criticism is going to make you a better photographer. You may find that things that you did not like are just what others are looking for in a photo that they love.

Avoid proprietary films when you are looking for good film to use. Proprietary film is patented, and can only be used in conjunction with the owner patent. Sometimes these film types will be sent to you free of charge. If you do not see a mark for C-41 on the film, avoid using it.

The best photographers out there are skilled composers, so make sure you study composition to improve your skills. There is a lot more that goes in to composing a shot than simply ensuring everything's in the frame. Composition is more art than science, and the emotion in a picture is what separates a hobbyist from a professional.

The beginning of this article talked about the reasons that we take pictures and their roles in our lives. Taking great photos means you have a wonderful visual for a story that you are telling. This article has given you what you need in order to take those great photos you're after.

Learn more about <a href="">Mini Camcorder</a>. Stop by Augustus Mays's site where you can find out all about a Mini Camcorder and what it can do for you.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Take Your Photography To New Heights Today
Author: Augustus Mays
Keywords: mini camcorder,mini dv camcorder,waterproof camcorder,videography,photography
Word Count: 517
Category: Hobbies

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