What Is Macro Photography? A Detailed Tutorial
by Luke Walker
Macro photography, or 'micro photography' as it is becoming called these days, is all about getting close to your subject. If you want to shoot a macro photo of a leaf for instance, you'll have to have to get very close. For this you will ideally be using a macro lens.
If you're lucky, you'll already have a zoom lens which has macro functionality. You may find a section on the lens which is coloured orange with an 'M'. Now it is best to remember that this isn't a dedicated macro lens, it just means that it can focus very close.
If you want to get properly into macro photography, you will want something a bit more suitable than this. A macro lens will focus down to an insanely small distance between the end of the lens and the subject you're photographing. It is often possible to get as close as 10 or 12 cm to the subject. That is something you wouldn't be able to do with a normal lens.
When you get in close to a subject, your depth of field starts to get smaller and appears shallower. This is a universal feature of all lenses. As humans we tend to move around a lot even if we try to stay still. Our small movements back and forth will cause the point of focus to move backwards and forwards so it can be very challenging to focus on something when doing macro photography. One way to overcome this problem is to use your elbows as a little tripod to try and keep the camera steady. You'll still find that as you get closer and closer to the subject, it becomes more and more challenging for you to remain still because you are breathing and moving without intending to do so. Every time you adjust the focus and then move, your shot becomes blurred.
That is where tripods come in handy. The tripod is a brilliantly simple invention because it enables you to get shots that you otherwise wouldn't be able to take by eliminating your own human movements.
Another noteworthy foe of the macro photographer is breeze. Slight breezes can interfere just when you least expect them to and typically at the most inconvenient times for you to get that perfect shot. We have to pick the perfect conditions whenever we have the right opportunity. If you want to do some nature photography on a breezy day you might not have the best conditions to get the best possible photos. But there is an alternative solution which we will come to very shortly.
Another influencing factor with macro photography is light. If you are outdoors with an overcast sky and you want to photograph something delicate such as flowers, a slightly overcast sky can often provide the best conditions for this type of work. The light is still directional although it is very soft and subtle.
Another great device when it comes to macro is the reflector. The great thing about using reflectors for macro is that the reflectors themselves don't have to be huge. One example of a reflector that you most likely already have is a notepad with white paper inside. Just open it up and move it alongside the object you're about to capture. You will notice that the light on the subject subtly changes when you use the notepad.
Now I wrote earlier that I would be giving you a useful tip on how to get around the problem of breezes when doing macro and that tip is to move indoors. If you are taking a picture of a flower, you can bring that flower indoors (as long as it's not someone else's flower!). Indoors is an excellent place for doing macro photography and one of the top reasons is that there are far less disturbances like sudden breezes and other factors. Don't get me wrong - outdoors is excellent for macro in many ways but if it is raining cats and dogs outside then practicing macro indoors can provide perfect conditions.
It is also very important that you spend time to choose the right flower. As you move in close any tiny blemishes will become obvious, such as pollen stains on the petals.
Until now I've written a lot about flowers in this article but there are plenty of other objects including objects commonly found in the home that make wonderful pictures for macro. Have a quick check around your house. Objects made of glass such as jam jars, vases, bottles and so on can produce some interesting results because of the interesting ways light reflects off their surfaces. The background doesn't matter too much when you're doing macro, because when you have that short depth of field, especially when you have a wide aperture, it doesn't matter so much what's in the background because it will be blurred into a mix of tones. You only need to think about what those tones are.
You will usually use single point auto focus. What this means is you will be telling the camera which little dots in the viewfinder to focus on. Depending on the make and model of your equipment, how to use the single point auto focus feature will vary, so it is best to read your camera's manual to find out. You will be able to choose which part of the view finder you want to focus on. If you're on auto the camera might not understand exactly where to focus and it might choose the wrong part of the picture, which will make you feel quite frustrated because you won't be able to get the photograph you want.
When shooting inside, you will usually be working with a slower shutter speed (around 1/8th of a second). That is because there isn't a huge amount of light indoors usually, but what light there is, is often really nice, desirable light.
Another thing to think about is the aperture. Imagine you're taking a macro picture of two different subjects with one in the foreground of the picture and the other towards the background. Suppose you want to make the object in the background look more blurred, while the object in the foreground is sharply defined and in focus. You would be typically using an F8 which is a middle of the road type of aperture, but by utilizing a wider aperture you will be able to put the emphasis much more strongly onto the subject in the foreground and make the background subject become much more blurred. One example of an aperture you could use is around F3.3, which will make the shutter speed faster and decrease your depth of field.
Abstracts are something else that produces excellent shots. You can use objects made of metal around your home such as your toaster, tool box, and other things. They tend to have lots of reflective surfaces with unique shapes and contours. Use a relatively shallow depth of field, so that it will give you a place to focus on within the photo, rather than just looking at the whole frame. Highly reflective objects made of stainless steel for example may confuse your auto focus, in which case you would be better off switching to manual.
You can get great results by taking photos of objects near a window that doesn't have any direct sunlight coming in through it. The side of the object closest to the window will be brighter than the other darker side. You can play around with a reflector to get some different effects lighting up this darker side to wrap it around the object. This works well with fruit that has a shiny surface, like apples, lemons, oranges and so on.
So how would you describe macro photography?
Macro photography comes down to getting close up with things and it opens up a whole new dimension of photography using the plainest of subject matter and letting it be seen in an entirely new way. You just have to start looking around your house and try to find things that could get you some nice results. If you are shooting macro outside, you will have to learn to deal with the wind, which could cause a large number of blurred pictures. So start experimenting and see how it goes! Remember, you don't necessarily have to use the dedicated macro lens.
If you want to learn many more in-depth photography tips and tricks, beyond looking at <a href="http://lukewalkerdcrguru.wordpress.com/2013/04/18/macro-photography-tips-and-tricks/">what is macro photography</a>, be sure to check out Luke Walker's other website and blogs <a href="http://lukewalkerdcrguru.blog.com/2013/04/18/macro-photography-revealing-the-unseen/">here</a>.
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Title: What Is Macro Photography? A Detailed Tutorial
Author: Luke Walker
Email: xenflex@gmail.com
Keywords: what is macro photography,macro photography tips,macro photography tutorial,how to do macro photography,macro photography,photography tips,photography,hobbies,arts and entertainment
Word Count: 1399
Category: Hobbies
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