Friday, August 2, 2013

Prolong The Life Expectancy Of Drives By Consulting Driveway Sealing NJ Contractors

by Cathy Mercer

Driveways and parking lots enhance traffic movement within businesses and home premises. These landscape structures also add value to your properties and therefore, should be maintained in the right condition. When asphalt pavements are constructed, they begin oxidizing. A driveway sealing nj contractor can assist you prevent the damages that occur when oxidation starts causing structural failures.

A newly installed asphaltic paver has a good visco-elasticity property. This means that it spreads, contracts, and expands easily. However, due to oxidation, when given enough time, it can harden and becomes brittle. This is why damages start being witnessed within your driveways. Sealing is needed in order to protect your blacktop.

To preserve the surface of pavements, a preservation treatment is required using sealcoat products. The coating provides a membrane layer that is weatherproof. Since asphalt is damaged by sunlight and water, the sealcoat bars these elements from getting in contact with blacktop. Ultraviolet rays harden the asphalt material and as heavy load traffic passes over your driveways, they chip and crack easily.

However, with proper maintenance through sealcoats, the surface can be preserved. Water on the other hand penetrates the base and loosens up the aggregate material. When the surface is heated by ultraviolet rays, fine hairline cracks start forming. If they are not checked, they can widen and become clearly visible letting in water to draining down the pavement. Water should not be allowed to seep through pavement and instead, it should flow to the edges where it is drained away.

Water should run on edges of pavements by providing a crown-to-edge slope that allows rainwater to flow to the sides of pavements. On the edges, that water is further drained to the proper drainage channels. Ultraviolet rays increase the oxidation of asphaltic material. This is why you notice a change in color. As the drives and parking lots age, they turn from black to gray, something that signifies deterioration of asphalt.

Petroleum derivative products also react with asphalt material, which is also a petroleum product and cause damages. They weaken the glue-like properties of asphalt. This further cause more damages. These uncertainties on pavements can be minimized by use of sealcoats. The coat is applied only when asphalt pavements have cured properly.

When a new asphalt paver is installed, it is allowed to oxidize, dry, and cure properly before a sealcoat is applied. The first sealing may be done several months after a newly constructed driveway has cured. Moreover, after the first sealcoat, you need also maintain periodic sealing. It is recommended that after every 2 to 5 years, you sealcoat your parking lots and driveways. This will you improve the elasticity of the blacktop and prolong its lifespan.

You can contact a <A href="">driveway sealing nj</A> contractor to install and sealcoat your driveways. Before the coat is applied, any damages such as crack should first be repaired. Sealcoats do not cure problems within the pavements such as cracks. When the coat is applied on cracks, it only masks them and soon your driveway and parking lot will show the cracks again. This may cause more trouble because the sealcoat peels off quickly. Sunlight, water, ice, salts, gasoline, and other chemicals may begin acting on your blacktop thus causing unexpected damages.

<a href="">Read more about</a> Preserve Your Drives With Help Of A Driveway Sealing NJ Contractor visiting our website.

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Title: Prolong The Life Expectancy Of Drives By Consulting Driveway Sealing NJ Contractors
Author: Cathy Mercer
Keywords: gardening, planting, weeding, plants, home, family, landscaping
Word Count: 545
Category: Hobbies

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