Monday, January 2, 2012

A Very Short Pregnancy Quiz

by Taekwuna Koonlada

Are you planning on starting a family for the first time? Do you know if you are pregnant or not? This pregnancy quiz can help you in figuring out if you are, but nothing will take the place of a test from the doctor's office.

Is your period late? There may be other problems that may be hormonal, and if you are on the pill, this could be a cause too. Also you could have more stress than normal.

Are you vomiting and being nauseous? This is a sign of early pregnancy. A poorly cooked food or other stomach issues can be the problem. More stress in your life could be a problem too. The flu can cause this too.

Swollen breasts or tender breasts? Birth control pills can cause this, but, it may be that you are getting close to your period. But, this is a sign that you could be in the early stages of pregnancy.

Are you feeling more tired daily or do you get exhausted? This can be caused by a number of things like depression, being overworked or a sickness. It is a sign of pregnancy, though. Stress can cause you to be tired too.

Do you have numerous backaches everyday? It is possible that you have hurt your back and not known it. It also may be a sign that you have become pregnant.

Are you having headaches that you can't explain? Taking coffee and caffeine products away from your diet can cause this body reaction. Being dehydrated will too. It could also mean that you are pregnant.

Do you have food cravings that you have not had before? This is a sign that you may be pregnant. But, you may be under some stress. Your body is wanting certain foods that have certain nutrients in them.

Are you peeing more often than you used to? Your urinary tract could be infected and you may need to see the doctor for that. But, you could also be pregnant.

This pregnancy quiz can help you decide if you are pregnant. The only true way to tell is a test by your family doctor.

Learn more, click here: <a href="">symptoms of pregnancy</a>and<a href="">pregnancy symptom</a>

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Title: A Very Short Pregnancy Quiz
Author: Taekwuna Koonlada
Keywords: Health,pregnancy,babies,families
Word Count: 358
Category: Babies

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