Monday, January 2, 2012

The Clothes You Wear Can Be Earth Friendly

by Sherman Wilborn

There is a rising trend of people in search for earth friendly alternatives as the greener way of living has become hot. The types of shifts being seen include wind and solar powered energy, earth friendly goods and driving habits beginning to change to environmentally friendly cars such as hybrids. Considering all of this, it's not a surprise that people are now embracing earth friendly clothing as well. The market for environmentally friendly items is set to spread out as people discover with their own eyes the consequences of global warming.

There are misunderstandings about what truly comprises clothes as being eco friendly. Explanations of three of the main textiles used in apparel will now follow. If you want to determine if clothing is eco friendly, this should make it clearer.

Hemp is a less heard-of and used material in clothes; nevertheless it's very great because it's eco friendly. Daily apparel such as trousers and coats may be made from hemp which as a crop comes from the ground. When you are in a shop, check labels in garments to determine that hemp is used or a sales person can be asked about the organic nature of the material. Making certain that it is environmentally friendly can be hampered by the fact that manufacturing hemp is inexpensive. You simply need to check in advance that it is OK.

A widely chosen material, due to a texture that is not overly heavy, is cotton fiber and you will find it in a good number of clothes. Owing to the way it is produced, cotton is oftentimes not very environmentally friendly. It is not good for the environment that fertilizers and lots of water are needed to grow cotton. Pesticides, which are also not earth friendly, can play a part in the cultivation process. The way that cotton is grown means that often it is not viewed as fair trade and long term sustainability is an issue. If you inquire if the cotton has been organically farmed then you may be able to get products that are environmentally friendly. The fact that eco friendly merchandise do get more promotion means that numerous stores will stock cotton items that are eco friendly.

If we think of top-notch clothes that feel nice to wear, it is possible that wool is the textile being used. Wool is used in numerous clothes whether it be socks or a hat and scarf. Wool in numerous instances will be green because it is derived from animals but there are things to look out for. Organic wool essentially means that the sheep consumed organically produced food. The treatment of the sheep is also something you should know about. While the wool may be more expensive, sheep can be allowed to roam in a natural way leading to them being treated better. This needs to be watched with great care since often sheep are not brought up like this.

More people are experiencing the advantages of environmentally friendly products, so don't be surprised to see more green products in the following months and years.

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New Unique Article!

Title: The Clothes You Wear Can Be Earth Friendly
Author: Sherman Wilborn
Keywords: environment,gardening,society,news,home improvement,real estate,hobbies,consumer,products
Word Count: 514
Category: Hobbies

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