Can a City Bike Made of Cardboard Work?
by Rob Sutter
When you think about what's used to make a city bike, I'm sure aspects such as metal for the overall body and leather for a few seats come to mind. These are typically how bicycles are made and I feel like there's no need to change the formula. However, someone decided to change the formula by turning it inside out to result in something never seen before. The aforementioned metal has now been replaced by cardboard.
It seems like Africa has become home to a marvel in the formation of a cardboard city bike. Posted on the Hurriyet Daily News website, this type of bicycle has been able to bring down the <a href="">congestion</a> found in the poorest areas of the country. There are plenty of morally good intentions behind this because the sustainability of the area might not have been great at certain points. Companies like Linus have taken notice and biking authorities and those who enjoy biking can't help but to admire this movement.
As one may be lead to believe, a bicycle compromised of cardboard had to go through quite a period of trial and error. Cardboard is not something that's standard in bicycle parts, let alone the entire build of one. However, innovation was put into play and the effort paid off. Izhar Gafn is the man responsible and he's quite an enthusiast in the way of amateur cycling, too. He finished the bicycle to where it could be used safely and now stands to be manufactured to the masses.
Gafn's work was not easy; in fact, much of it was time-consuming. He spent a year and a half attempting to get the model down just right. This accounted for piecing together cardboard in a way that made the bike run along with the trial and error, as stated before. Once the cardboard hardened to where it would be durable on a bike, it wasn't long until he used a concoction made of organic materials. This contained qualities both waterproof and fireproof, showing just how safe this particular ride could be as well.
I don't think that "ingenious" even begins to describe just how terrific this idea is. When you think about cardboard, I'm sure that your mind would drift to the boxes that you would play inside of when you were a child. Now you can play on it again but this time in the form of a bike that was crafted to perfection. While this may not be the most orthodox way to move about, it certainly stands, at least from an environmental standpoint, as effective.
In the market for a great <a href="">city bike</a>? Visit Linus Bike today for additional details!. This article, <a href="">Can a City Bike Made of Cardboard Work?</a> is available for free reprint.
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Title: Can a City Bike Made of Cardboard Work?
Author: Rob Sutter
Keywords: Linus Bike, city bike, city bikes, biking, commuter bike,commuter bikes, hobbies, transportation, travel
Word Count: 443
Category: Hobbies
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