Saturday, December 1, 2012

Be Creative With Hair Color Chalk

by Lenore Bolton

The fashion world is always dynamic and there's always something new. It doesn't matter if it's clothes, accessories or makeup, there's always some kind of "new hype". Hair coloring is no exception to this. It is done by a lot of women and for many different reasons. Some ladies dye their locks in order to hide their grey strands. Other women are not happy with their natural shade or are simply looking for a change. A new and great way to get the look you want is with hair color chalk.

Some ladies want to hide their white strands that have begun to grow. Others just don't like their natural shade and rather opt for a change. Then again there's the third type. Some women like the idea of temporary coloring. It saves the trouble of having to go through the whole dyeing procedure and is usually easy to wash out. One of the most common ways of doing this is by using spray dyes. You just spray your locks and voila, a new and vibrant look. It's easy to apply and even easier to wash off.

There are a lot of ways in which temporary coloring can be used. You can dye only a part of your hair in a certain shade for different effects. By using different colors, you can achieve numerous styles. The ideas are endless, you can add only one color, or opt for something truly crazy and make a rainbow. Whatever your fancy, it all works.

<A href="">Hair color chalk</A>s are the latest craze for temporary coloring. They are relatively new on the market and have the perks of being easy to wash out and only stay in for a day. Magazines are advertising this super new product as much as possible. You can easily find advice and tips on how to use the product, as there are numerous companies dedicated to selling these chalks to interested customers.

The product is safe to use and will not damage your locks the way normal dye does. Another perk to using this product is that it is easy to apply and remove. If your new look does not turn out as good as hoped, it can simply be washed out.

Chalks vary by type; oil pastels and soft chalk pastels are two of the most common varieties. Professional opinion is that soft chalks are better to use, since they're easier to apply. If your locks are a light shade, for example blonde, you can simply apply the product to dry hair, if their natural tone is dark, such as black or dark brown, you may want to wet your head a little. Water is used to enhance the color and helps make it stand out more.

On the down side, this type of coloring can easily stain your clothes. However, that's not a big issue, since wearing clothes with a tone similar to the dye helps to hide this problem completely without any worries. Of course rain can wash the product out in no time, but with effective planning that should not be a concern either.

<A href="">Hair color chalk</A> is the new thing in town and it's undeniable. Some people find it silly, others claim it's inferior to normal dye. In the end it is up to you to decide for yourself. Give it a try and experiment with great new looks for every occasion.

You can visit the website <a href=""></a> for more helpful information about Change Your Look With Hair Color Chalk

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New Unique Article!

Title: Be Creative With Hair Color Chalk
Author: Lenore Bolton
Keywords: fashion, clothing, celebrity, style,
Word Count: 584
Category: Hobbies

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