Tuesday, February 19, 2013


My City Trip on a Commuter Bike

by Rob Sutter

Any time my family and I would go to New York City, we would see people travel on bikes throughout parks. They got exercise in and I was always fascinated by the idea of riding amongst people in lush environments. To say that a commuter bike interested me would be an understatement and I wanted to be able to be part of this, too. I was able to convince my family and before long, we started to use these very bikes in order to get around and find exercise as well.

My mom seems to like traveling at a calmer pace, so it was something that actually worked well for us in hindsight. One of the best things about a <a href="https://www.facebook.com/linusbike/">commuter bike</a> is that we were able to traverse through many different scenarios and the environments we've seen were simply eye-catching. The skies and overall environments were amazing and you wouldn't be able to experience them from within a car. It's easy to see why I would recommend bike authorities the likes of Linus Bike to you.

I enjoyed the sights and all, but the aspect of <a href="https://twitter.com/linusbike/following/">travel</a> seemed to grab my attention because of what I learned. Sometimes you can't discover everything you can know by simply moving about in a car. It requires you to get out and enjoy the fresh air while you do a little bit of investigation yourself. Being able to learn while I travel was fun and all but I think if I had to name the biggest benefit this form of exercise gave me, I'd have to say it was the form of exercise that it was able to bring me.

Biking is the one activity that I know of which combines entertainment and exercise the most seamlessly. You have to consider how many people work with these bikes from day to day. Then you can take that number and see just how many have jobs that they must get to once they leave their homes. The exercise seen certainly adds on the more days that they travel. I don't think that you can find a more effective way to keep in shape here.

Overall, I enjoyed the time I had with the commuter bike rental and I can only hope that I do it again. The combination of sightseeing and learning certainly made me a fan of it. I'd be lying, though, if I said that the chance to get into shape didn't sway my decision in some way or another. I liked being able to move about and I think that it's ideal for me, who can't seem to find time to work out anyway. If I'm ever in the city again, I may need to rent a bike again.

Check out Linus Bike if you're seeking more information about where you can find a great <a href="http://www.linusbike.com/models/roadster-sport/">commuter bike</a>.. This article, <a href="http://www.uberarticles.com/home.php?id=1770174&p=52217">My City Trip on a Commuter Bike</a> has free reprint rights.

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New Unique Article!

Title: My City Trip on a Commuter Bike
Author: Rob Sutter
Email: seo@fishbat.com
Keywords: linus bike, commuter bike, commuter bikes, city bike, city bikes, biking, product reviews, hobbies
Word Count: 475
Category: Hobbies

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